Our Cows

Our pedigree herd of 160 Holstein Friesian cows are the backbone of our business.

They graze our fields near the coast breathing in the fresh Cornish air eating our lush grass.   

All our cows are treated with the highest standards of welfare and care and we are assessed annually to ensure our standards of care are maintained and proudly have our Red Tractor certification.

During the winter the grass stops growing and the weather is too harsh for the cows to be out in the fields, and so we bring them in to their winter accommodation which has grass silage and water laid on for them whenever need it.

In the spring the ground in the fields begins to firm up again and around March it is time to let the cows back into the fields again to roam free and eat the lush fresh grass once again.   When the cows first go out, they are so pleased and excited that they have a joyful dance and run around the field in celebration.   Here is a video we took of this delightful moment: